Sydney Launch! 20 April 2022

Earlier this month we launched Queers in Property in Sydney! After a false start last year and a few hundred lockdowns we finally got to Sydney. Lead by our NSW Board member Marcus Skeggs (He/Him) this coming out soft launch was a chance for us to introduce Queers in Property and all that we have to offer as a small group of Queer people working in the property industry!

We had such a fantastic night with lots of deep conversations about challenges in the industry and the change we would like to see. It was amazing to have two of our founders Benjamin Rowe (he/him) and Meg Patten from Melbourne attend.

What’s next? Our big one! THE coming out!! So please stay tuned and make sure you have registered on the website because it will be big and fabulous! You’ve been warned… don’t want to miss this!

Thank you to the new Queerleaders who attended our soft coming and thank you for being brave to share your story!

Honey, we got you!

Thanks to The CommonsStudio White Noise and DisplaySweet for their sponsorship of this event! Your ongoing support means everything.